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Find Similar Structures Tool
With this tool, you provide a set of values for the rotation and tilt angles of the SSU body and/or head, or specify a structure via the RCSB accession code. The tool will calculate the relative tilt difference and the net rotation difference (Euler-Rodrigues angle) between the provided reference value/structure and every structure that is currently available.
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Follow the interactive prompts. Continue until the "submit" button appears.
Compare orientations of:
head and body
head only
Data set to compare:
Select "LSU-SSU assemblies" if you want to
calculate differences with complete ribosomes.
Select "isolated SSUs" if you only want to
consider structures that lack an LSU.
LSU-SSU assemblies
isolated SSUs
Define the reference configuration:
All E-R angles and tilt differences
will be calculated with respect to
a specific orientation of the SSU.
You may define the orientation based
on a published structure, or you may
give your own rotation angles.
Provide angles
SSU chain ID
This is the "Original chain ID", which
may differ from the ID that appears
in a PDB file. This is only required
if there is more than one ribosome
associated with the RCSB ID. If you
are unsure, leave this blank. If the
RCSB ID contains more than one
ribosome, the list of possibilities
will be printed to screen.
SSU Head Orientation
Provide a set of RAD angles that define a specific
orientation of the SSU head. Calculated differences
will be with respect to this orientation of the head.
rotation angle (Φ):
tilt angle (θ):
tilt direction (ψ):
SSU Body Orientation
Provide a set of RAD angles that define a specific
orientation of the SSU body. Calculated differences
will be with respect to this orientation of the body.
rotation angle (Φ):
tilt angle (θ):
tilt direction (ψ):
Page created and maintained by the
Whitford Group
at the
Center for Theoretical Biological Physics
, Northeastern University.